The story begins with KGB leaded by agent Irina Spalko (starred by Cate Blanchett) to steal a specimen from US government in US military base to find out the crystal skull. They believe who returns the crystal skull to Akator (a legendary city) can own a special power to conquer the world.
Mutt Williams (starred by Shia Labeouf) seeks help from Indy to save his mother - Marion Ravenwood (starred by Karen Allen) and Professor 'Ox' Oxley (starred by John Hurt) who caught by KGB to help unlock the secret of Crystal Skull of Akator. Therefore, Indy starts his adventure again to Akator and save his lover Marion and old friend Ox at the same time.
In the movie, not many action by Harrison, may be an old man should not go for action movie. Shia Labeouf has more action and actually he is son of Indy. I believe when Harrison can't act Indy again due to his old age, Shia can continues the movie series of Indiana Jones. Mutt Indiana? Haha...
Besides, I like Akator. If it is a real place, definitely I will visit it :)
In the movie, not many action by Harrison, may be an old man should not go for action movie. Shia Labeouf has more action and actually he is son of Indy. I believe when Harrison can't act Indy again due to his old age, Shia can continues the movie series of Indiana Jones. Mutt Indiana? Haha...
Besides, I like Akator. If it is a real place, definitely I will visit it :)
Movie Rating: 8 / 10