The movie talks about Chun-Li (starred by Kristin Kreuk) fight against with Bison (starred by Neil McDonough), Balrog and Vega to save his father who is captured by Bison. With help from Gen (starred by Robin Shou), Nash (starred by Kris Klein) and Maya (starred by Moon BloodGood), can Chun-Li saves his father?
Personal Review:
Feel funny when I see Kristin play a role as Chun-Li in the movie. Chun-Li is a pure chinese female fighther, isn't she? There is scene whereby Chun-Li VS Vegas. When Vega appears in the movie at the first time seem very strong but when fight with Chun-Li, there is no chance for him to fight until defeated to Chun-Li. Haha......Overall the fighting scene can considered average. Besides, don't expect you will see other street figther characters will appear in the movie such as Ryu, E-Honda,...
Movie Rating: 6 / 10