The movie of Watchmen is created based on a twelve-issue comic book limited series by writer Alan Moore, artist Dave Gibbons and colorist John Higgins. The comic was published by DC Comics during 1986 and 1987.
The main characters of Watchment are:
1. Nite Owl II (by Patrick Wilson)
2. Silk Spectre II (by Malin Akerman)
3. Dr. Manhanttan (by Billy Crudup)
4. The Comedian (by Jeffrey Dean Morgan)
5. Rorscharch (by Jackie Earle Haley)
6. Ozymandias (by Matthew Goode)
The story begin with the one of the superheroes, the Comedian was killed in his apartment. Rorscharch suspects the murderer will continue kill the other retired superheroes include himself and he decided to find the others for the investigation. This incident also suspected is related to the cold war between US and Soviet Union as well as the peaceful of the world in 1986. Will the retired superheroes reunite and save the world?
Personal Review:
Don't expect the movie comes with a lot of action like other superheroes movies do. Anyway, this movie is worth to watch in the cinema since the movie very nice in vision as well as the music. This about 2 hours and 45 minutes length of movie will bring you unexpected ending. Besides, I also like the sexy Silk Spectre II, hehe......
Movie Rating: 7 / 10
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