Sunday, April 27, 2008

Resident Evil: Extinction

Resident Evil: Extinction is the third installment in the series of film adaptations based on the Capcom survival horror series Resident Evil starred by Milla Jovovich (as Alice), Oded Fehr (as Carlos Olivera), Ali Larter (as Clair Redfield), Iain Glen (as Dr. Isaacs), Ashanti (as Betty) and Spencer Locke (as K-Mart).

Actually, this movie is considered as lady hero type of movie. Of course Milla is the only hero in the movie with special power, until can disturb the operation of satellite. Wow...amazing, I believe it already out of the storyline of Resident Evil video game!

I am one the game follower of Resident Evil or Biohazard but have such power in the game - only can use weapon to kill zombie or just run...............when no armor.

If you like action movie, this is one of the movie can see but can't expect much.

Movie Rating: 7 / 10


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